Angelo Barcella
Angelo Barcella born in Milan in 1934, after a first theater experience he moved to Rome, where for about ten years he worked in cinema and photography, working among others with the Taviani brothers, Valerio Adami and the Maeght foundation. A personal exhibition was presented in 1972 at the "Il Diaframma" gallery in Milan, where he exhibited 22 photographic landscapes. The return to the ancient passion for dexterity and the figurative arts reappears when he leaves Rome for Montalcino; it is here that with the technique and materials that are completely new, the first of his sculptures comes to life. Polychrome multi-layered wood works, with the texture of the exposed material very exalted. More and more in-depth studies will follow on Renaissance painting, on Italian mannerism and on Jacopo Pontorno in particular, which will lead him to create works of painting with a personal vision and interpretation of the landscape and the figure.